Posted by Brian Blowings | January 25, 2014
Hawaiian Lawmakers Seeking to Change State Laws to Stop the Big Island’s GMO Ban
Image: flickr/occupyhilo
The Big Island of Hawaii is the first place in the US to enact GMO banning legislation, as we documented in a previous article:
“The mayor of the Big Island Hawaii, Billy Kenoi, has now banned biotech GMO from his island, and thousands of Hawaiians are cheering his decision to sign Bill 113, even though the agriculture industry largely opposed it. He can stand proud no matter what part of the islands he travels too, as this unprecedented move to keep the ‘aina,’ or land pure has been upheld.”
However Hawaii state lawmakers are trying to thwart this ban on GMOs by changing state law which would override the local legislation that was signed by the Mayor. According to Big Island Now:
A Big Island lawmaker is proposing a change to state law that would preempt the Hawaii County ban on new genetically modified crops.While it doesn’t specifically mention GMO crops, House Bill 2506 would prohibit any law passed by local governments that prevents farmers and ranchers from using agricultural technology or practices not prohibited by federal or state law.
The bill would amend the state’s existing Right to Farm Act, which Rep. Richard Onishi described in a statement as providing “protection from unreasonable controls on farming operations and from nuisance suits which might be brought against them.”
The bill is sponsored by 36 members of the 51-seat House of Representatives.
It’s clear that the biotech establishment will stop at nothing to push their agenda, spending $40 Million in California alone to battle against GMO labeling , now targeting lawmakers to change state laws to undermine the non-GMO movement.